Raising the Bar Through Accreditation

Date:June 08, 2020
Contact:Tanner Moye, MBMA Accreditation Committee Chairman

MBMA is recognized as the industry leader when it comes to comprehensive quality assurance programs for metal building systems.

The International Accreditation Service (IAS) AC472, the Accreditation Criteria for Inspection Program for Manufacturers of Metal Building Systems, is based on the requirements of Chapter 17 of the International Building Code and provides code officials with a means to approve the inspection program of metal building manufacturers. The program also benefits building owners, contractors and developers because accreditation adds value for the end customer and differentiates the metal building system industry from many other forms of construction.

Members of the MBMA Accreditation Committee continue to review comments and concerns of MBMA members regarding AC472 and then work with IAS to determine if any revisions are warranted. MBMA and IAS make it a priority to work together to strengthen the program by providing improved direction to the independent auditors who perform the in-plant inspections.

MBMA’s commitment to quality does not end at our members’ factory doors. We work closely with the Metal Building Contractors & Erectors Association (MBCEA) to support the expanding adoption of AC478, the Accreditation Criteria for Inspection Practices of Metal Building Assemblers. MBCEA proposed changes to AC478 aimed at increasing participation in the program. MBMA publicly supported those changes, which were ultimately accepted and will now be part of the AC478 criteria.